§ SAMSBL Bulletin § |
Be sure to call in your scores this weekend to the 302-8228. The Standings will be published Tuesday, August 11. Ensure your W-L record is correct.
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§ SAMSBL Bulletin § |
Site Updated :: March 16, 2025 |
SAMSBL is a league of adult amateurs who play baseball (real hardball) in age divisions of Open, 30 &
over, 40 & over, 50 & over, and 60 & over. The SAMSBL is a member of the national organization known as the Men's Senior Baseball
League/Men's Adult Baseball League (MSBL/MABL).
The league is for men who love the game of baseball. SAMSBL is in its third decade of existence. We have tryouts once a year in February. We all pay to play from
mid-March until August for league games (about 21 games) on weekends.
Tournaments are extra and usually occur over the major holidays
throughout the summer. The grand finale is the National
World Series in Phoenix, AZ during October.
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League Information |
March 11, 2025
The 2025 Season Starts April 6th at CC Kahlig Park! All Games will be 2H30M long with No New Inning after 2H20M.
The Start Times for Sunday Games will be for Game 1 will be 8 30 AM. Game 2 at 11 15 AM. Game 3 at 2 00 PM. Game 4 at 4 45 PM.
Games will Start on Time. Teams hustle out of Dugouts so next game can start on time. Managers have Lineups ready for Umpires at Plate meeting. GAMES CAN END IN A TIE. IF TIME PERMITS, ONE EXTRA INNING. IF NOT, GAME OVER!
45 Teams will play baseball rules as modified by SAMSBL. Stealing, throw outs from Outfield, Tags at the Plate, etc.
60+ Teams will play a modified game of baseball. FIVE (5) RUNS LIMIT PER INNING. SWAP FIELD. No Stealing 2nd at all. Steal 3rd only if Ball passes the catcher and get outside the Circle. Go more than halfway down 3rd base line, runner must continue to plate. Catcher does NOT have to tag runner, just have foot on plate with ball prior to runner touching plate. OUT if Catcher has ball prior to Runner touching Plate. SAFE if Runner beats the Throw!
No Throw to FIRST BASE if baseball finds grass behind the infield!
15 Runs After 5 Innings. 12 runs after 7 innings.
IMAGE and REPUTATION has served us well for 32+ years. As we trek toward our 4th Decade of playing adult baseball, please remember that we earned our "right" to play on QUALITY fields because we "Play with Class at ALL TIMES"!!!!!!
November 25, 2022
An Update: 64 years, & 3 months old is one JJ Bailey who is the oldest League Player to hit an In-the-Park home run. Now everyone knows.
So far Jerry Spencer remains the oldest member to hit a home run. In order for his head not swell, need someone older to de-throne him.
A little known fact for SAMSBL is the "older" players are monitored for a rare accomplishment.
And that is hitting home runs, rare, very rare. But miracles do happen every once and a while.
Some history: the first "old" guy to hit a home run was Pete Powell at Sanchez-Spencer when he was 57. The 2nd was Tom Keyser at Blanco at 58. The 3rd was Nelson Wolff at Texas State when he was 58.
And now, at 66 years and TWO months, is the current record holder, Jerry Spencer at Blanco 2 weeks ago.
He is thinking his ball rolled a total distance of nearly 500 feet from Home plate. That record is 617 feet.
March 16, 2025
April and May schedules are published.
Saturdays at CC during April are contingent upon the High School Playoff Run. The 12th of April may NOT go as Published. The back up plan is April 19th, EASTER SATURDAY! That is why the numbers are in RED. If all goes well, we get the 12th & 19th to play. Managers have been informed!
The May Saturdays should be a bit more stable. Again it depends on the depth of the High School Playoff Run!
March 11, 2025
The LEGENDS concept of 70+ was quite a success. And we will continue the practice.
Watch the Schedule for the LEGENDS Games throughout the Year.
Details to follow.
35 & Over Division Standings
45 & Over Division Standings
60 & Over Division Standings
Purpose: To stop any type of trash talking 100% of the time. There will be no trash talking between players. There will be no trash talking
between managers/umpires and players. Managers may (NOT) trash talk between themselves. The League President will implement an arbitrary fine
system, at his sole discretion, payable immediately by the offender(s) should they wish to continue playing baseball in the SAMSBL. Ejections
are not necessary to trigger fines.
Purpose: To stop excessive delay of game while waiting for runner exchange to take place. The exact non-runner/shared runner must be immediately
available to replace hitter on base OR the umpires will negate the option, immediately.
Purpose: To stop excessive delays in the exchange process. Two Minutes, only, is allowed. Umpires can call strikes or balls, as necessary, to
trigger the first pitch of the inning. It is possible to have runners on base or an out recorded prior to the first pitch if delay occurs.
Purpose: To ensure all players on the fields are eligible to be there. Managers are to ensure all players are on proper waivers at all times. No
player is eligible to play if he has not signed a proper waiver. Roster additions/deletions are addressed between the Manager and League President.
SMOKING/VAPING/CHEWING/DIPPING Tobacco Products or Alternatives
Purpose: To ensure all SAMSBL members know the penalties for violating the simple rule of NO, NOT ALLOWED at any time while playing league games.
Nowhere at any ball park are we ever permitted to smoke, chew, or spit. Fines will be implemented, immediately and must be paid, quicker. These
fines will be arbitrary and hefty, especially if repeat offender. If smoking areas ARE available, then you are cleared to smoke, chew, and spit in
those areas ONLY!
NO non-MSBL TEAM/Payer
IN SAN ANTONIO will be allowed to enter the MSBL world series
Purpose: From Steve Sigler on December 2, 2016, 9:32 AM. All interested players who wish to participate in 2017 and beyond MSBL world series
are required to be SAMSBL league members in good standing with the League. No exceptions!